The Arcadia Homeowners’ Annual General Meeting 2017 will be held on 23. May at 12:00.
Minutes of Meeting in Decision Book:
- Decision Book English version here: Arcadia Annual Meeting
- Decision Book Turkish version here: Arcadia Kat Malikleri Toplantisi
Minutes of Meeting Resumé has been added 25. May in blue text.
Invitation letter to all homeowners is available here: Invitation to Arcadia AGM 2017
A newsletter was posted the day the invitation was send out. Can be seen here>>
The AGM of the ARCADIA will be held on Tuesday, 23th May 2017 at 12.00 pm (changed recently) at Conny’s Restaurant SİDE. The second meeting will be held on Tuesday 30th May 2017 at 14.00 pm in the same place if there will not be majority in the first meeting.
- Annex 1: Meeting Procedures are here>>
- Annex 2: Agenda for the AGM 2016 is here>>
- Annex 3: Authorization Form is here>>
AGM 2017 Agenda and Supporting documentation
Meeting opening
- Protocol completion
- Approval of Meeting Leader
- Approval of secretary to report minutes of meeting
- Approval of Meeting validity according to TCL.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Protocol was updated. About 23 homeowners were represented
- Memeth – the translator and Dursun’s friend was elected
- Deniz Timur was elected to take notes to the Decision Book
- The meeting was approved as being valid – so we could proceed.
Agenda Item 1 – Control Board Résumé of the most important events and issues 2016 – 2017
The following documentation will be provided:
- Report of events since AGM 2016 by Control Board
- Report of Legal status by Mr. Karakoc
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Gerard from the Control Board presented the report of most important events during the year and focused on the “lessons learned” and the consequences to take in the future. The full report is here>>
- Our Lawyer, Mr. Karakoc, presented himself and gave a status of the legal cases we have against Mete and how the SGK fine of 38 thousand was appealed.
Agenda Item 2 – Accounts for the previous periods discussion
- Arcadia Fiscal year Status 2015-2016
- Arcadia Fiscal year Status 2016
- Arcadia Yearly Report for 2015 – 2016
- Short Year Report from 01JUL16 to 31DEC16
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Accounts was discussed and some homeowners complained that a proper updated account status had not been presented for the homeowners. The answer was that it was on Internet and not sent by mail.
Agenda Item 3 – Approval of Accounts
After discussions between homeowners it must be decide if accounts can approved. It approved on condition it must be reported so in meeting report.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The accounts was approved by voting: 18 “YES” and 5 “NO”
Agenda Item 4 – Election of Management Board / Property Manager for 2017 – 2018
The proposed Arcadia Management Board consist of the elected Property Manager and the elected homeowner representative.
Fritz (B6) and Carsten (B4) have negotiated a contract with our current Property Manager, Dursun Gül, who has given Arcadia a signed offer. It is available here>>.
Gerard (D6) has accepted to represent the homeowners at the Management Board and the Property Manager and Gerard (D6) will be mutually responsible for handling bank transaction and budget control. The Management Board must be active from this date if approved.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Dursun Gül was elected af Property Manager for the next period (01JUL17 to 30JUN18). His contract will be signed by the Control Board right after the meeting.
- Gerard (D6) was elected as the homeowner representative in the Arcadia Management Board. Dursun and Gerard will be mutual responsible for all Arcadia’s bank transactions and budget control. Gerards membership of the Arcadia Management Board will take place from today
- From now on Arcadia is managed by a management board of two persons to keep the right check and balance of power. Both members will have access to Arcadia’s bank accounts.
- Also the Arcadia will assign the bookkeeping to an external company in Manavgat (Ayse Ünal Muhasebe) to reduce of risk we suffered from last year with Mete
- See more information and photo here>>.
Agenda Item 5 – Election of Control Board for 2017 – 2018
We need at least two homeowners to be represented in the Control Board. Gerard (D6) cannot be elected if he is elected as member of the Arcadia Management Board.
The election is done in the same way as the years before. Each represented homeowner get a label and can write one or two candidates on the label and the candidates who get most votes are elected. The labels are here>>.
- Fritz (B6) will accept re-election
- Ina (D4) is willing for election
- Other candidates can be proposed before or at the meeting.
If approved the The Control Board must be active from this date. We cannot accept the same homeowner being in both the Management Board and the Control Board because of conflicting interests.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Three Homeowners were elected for the Control Board: 1) Fritz (B6), 2) Ina (D4), and Mervin (C3)
- The main duties of the Control Board are stated in the Turkish Condominium Law, and for us it are on a regular basis to verify and control financial transactions and to assist the Management Board on tough decisions
- See more information and photo here>>.
Agenda Item 6 – Information of legal situation for unpaid site fees
Fritz (B6) and Carsten (B4) have discussed a more efficient way of handling the non-payers with our lawyer, Mr. Karakoc. Our recommendations to be approved are the following simple procedure steps.
- Service Fee must be paid before the beginning of the due month
- If not paid by the 15th of the due month a written reminder is sent to the homeowner
- If still not paid within the next 7 days the case send to our lawyer for further handling
- Our lawyer will follow the normal legal procedure for non-payment handling.
If approved the procedure and time limits must be written into the Decision Book.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The above stated procedure was approved by majority.
Agenda Item 7 – Watchmen salaries and task assignments
The proposed watchmen salaries are:
- 1.511 TL per month for watchmen + additional social insurance
- 1.600 TL per month for gardener + additional social insurance
- 50 TL for one shift (8 hours) + additional social insurance
Task assignments are expanded since the front gate has been renewed last year and provided by a fob for homeowner entrance. Now staff can move around in the complex and still be on guard with a provided cell phone.
Normal task assignments will be provided by the Arcadia Management Board.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The above mentioned salaries were approved by majority
- 1.511 will be adjusted to government requests when needed.
- Task assignment will be done by the elected Management Board.
Agenda Item 8 – Approval of base-budget for 2017 – 2018
Base Budget proposed by Property Manager and Control Board:
Arcadia Proposed Budget 2017 – 2018
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The above “Arcadia Proposed Budget 2017” was approved on the condition that the newly elected Management Board should check and evaluate all calculations and try to reduce the proposed budget and still make sure it is realistic
- On this condition the proposed budget was approved by majority.
Agenda Item 9 – Installation of watchmen toilet & storage building (discussion and decision)
This was approved at last year AGM 2016 and 12.000 TL was set aside in the budget for that purpose. Unfortunately we got an extra bill from SGK (Social Insurance) of 18.337,81 TL that had to be paid, so no money was left in the budget for this investment. Prices has went up since, and the CB suggest that 15.000 TL is approved in the investment budget for that purpose.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The above investment was approved by majority
- But the bicycle and sunbed storage room (agenda item 10) must be planned at the same time
- But within a limit of 15.000 TL (including the bicycle and sunbed storage room)
- Another budget of 5.000 TL was added for new common sunbeds, so the total budget limit is 20.000 TL
- When the Management Board has prepared a detail plan and budget it will be presented for the homeowners and a One Time Charge (OTC) will be requested by all homeowners.
Agenda Item 10 – Installation of bicycle parking and sunbed shed in connection with watchmen toilet and storage (discussion and decision)
Supporting Materials was presented at the meeting by Dursun.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Approved by majority. Se agenda item 9 above for further conditions.
Agenda Item 11 – Installation of security cameras (discussion and decision)
Supporting Materials was presented at the meeting by Dursun.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The homeowners agreed to postpone this investment for AGM 2018 decision.
Agenda Item 12 – Painting of buildings needed (discussion and decision)
Supporting Materials was presented at the meeting by Dursun.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The above investment was approved by majority
- The Roof Gutter (agenda item 14) must be done at the same time
- But within a limit of 130.000 TL (including the Roof Gutter)
- No surface color may be changed from the original Mecitoglu color from 2006.
- When the Management Board has prepared a detail plan and budget it will be presented for the homeowners and a One Time Charge (OTC) will be requested by all homeowners.
Agenda Item 13 – New Generator for Electricity backup (discussion and decision)
Supporting Materials was presented at the meeting by Dursun.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The homeowners agreed to postpone this investment for AGM 2018 decision.
Agenda Item 14 – Installation of Roof Gutter (discussion and decision)
Supporting Materials was presented at the meeting by Dursun.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- Approved by majority. See agenda item 12 above for further conditions.
Agenda Item 15 – Discussion of Investment funds for future building maintenance
This is mainly a discussion among homeowners to get an understanding of preferences. We have two approaches: 1) We pay all money as an extra fee when needed to building maintenance. 2) We set aside a yearly payment on a separate building investment bank account.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The homeowners agreed to postpone this investment for AGM 2018 decision.
Agenda Item 16 – Approval of Investment & Reserve budget and fees
In addition to the Base Budget (agenda item 8) we have to approve an additional investment budget decided in agenda item 9 – 15.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- The approved Investment budget will be requested by homeowners as a One Time Charge (OTC) payment.
Agenda Item 17 – Other items of homeowner´s concern
Any homeowner can express their comments, wishes of criticism. But no decision outside the approved budget can be made at this point.
Meeting Resumé (blue text)
- C3 asked for permission to install solar panels at the roof. The homeowners agreed that major changes of communal areas must be decided as stated in the TCL, so the permission was rejected by majority
- B6 proposed that we should pay Dursun a bonus of 2.000 TL for the good and difficult extra work when taking over from Mete. This transition required a lot of extra work. This was approved by majority.
The minutes of meeting will be in Turkish to be inserted in the Decision Book, and an English translation will also be available before the attendant homeowners have to approve with their signature. Dursun promised that the Minutes of Meeting will be finished by 24. May for homeowner approval and signature.