Minutes of Meeting from AGM 2018
- Arcadia AGM18 Minutes of Meeting
- Arcadia 15 Mayıs 2018 Toplantı No-16 (Turkish)
- Arcadia Newsletter 28MAY18
- Arcadia Bilgilendirme 28Mayıs 2018 (Turkish)
Invitation information
Dear Arcadia Homeowners
As Homeowner you are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Arcadia Complex.
The meeting will be held at Conny´s Restaurant on Tuesday the 15th May 2018 at 14:00.
In case the majority will not be represented at this meeting a second meeting will be held on the Tuesday the 22th May at 14:00.
See the whole invitation package >>here
In Turkish >>here
The Invitation package includes annex:
- Annex 1: Meeting Procedures
- Annex 2: Meeting Agenda for AGM 2018
- Annex 3: Authorization Form for proxy votes
We really hope to see you!
Agenda for the Meeting
1. Control Board Résumé of the most important events and issues 2017 – 2018.
Delivered by Ina and Dursun
2. Accounts for the previous period discussion
Accounts will be presented by Gerard and are available here:
3. Approval of Accounts
By voting
4. Election of Management Board / Property Manager for 2018 – 2019.
- Dursun is Proposed is Property Manager
- Gerard is Proposed as member of the Management Board
5. Election of Control Board for 2018 – 2019.
We normally elects 3 members of the Control Board
- Ina is proposed
- Fritz is proposed
- Other candidates are expected
6. Information of legal situation for unpaid site fees
Our lawyer will give a status ann answer questions
7. Watchmen salaries and task assignments
Inflation in Turkey is high and we are expecting a rise in salary by the government
8. Information about the status of the staff toilet and sun bed shed
Project is almost finished. Dursun will give a status
9. Approval of base-budget and fees for 2018 – 2019
Proposed budget can be seen here>>
10. Installation of pump against flood (discussion and decision)
Dursun will present af pump solution
11. Installation of security cameras (discussion and decision)
General decision the future strategy
12. Painting of buildings needed (discussion and decision)
Dursun will present a solution
13. Discussion of Reserve fund for future building maintenance
General decision the future strategy
14. Approval of Investment & Reserve budget and fees
Discussion and voting
15. Other items of homeowner´s concern
Free for everyone to express their opinion.