Invitation to the AGM 2021
Results of the AGM have been added in red.
Invitation sent out 14. August 2021. See the invitation here>>
Agenda for the AGM 2021
Proxy Formula:
0. Meeting start
22 out of 32 appartements were represented at the meeting including the proxies.
Peter from the CB commenced the meeting by informing about the Control Board work during the year and thanked UniqueGroup for good cooperation and word during the last year.
Peter also informed that Gerard and Fritz have not been able to attend the meeting because of medical treatment that prevented them to fly to Turkey.
However, Gerard has written a letter that has now been printed and given to every attendee at the meeting. A copy of the letter can be seen here>>
Then the word was passed to Deniz from Unique Group, who was accepted as leader of the meeting. Veysel was accepted as the writer of the minutes of the meeting.
1. Receive the Annual Financial Report for 2020-2021
Receive the Annual Financial Report for 2020-2021 from the Complex Manager – Unique Group
Note: You may see the general account reports and expenditure charts of the Complex for 2020-2021 financial term at the Ek-1 (Annex-1) attached file.
- See Annual Financial Report (Eng/TR) here>>
The annual report was accepted by the majority og the meeting attendants
See the copy og accounts delivered at the AGM here>>
2. Elect and Appoint a Complex Management Company and Board
Elect and Appoint a Complex Management Company and Management Board for 2021-2022 Term
Note: As Unique Group, we are nominated for site management. As the same in previous years, C9&D6 homeowner Gerard Van Krieken has nominated again for the site management board. The principles regarding the election and appointing of the site management are specified in Article 34 of the Turkish Condominium Law. ( You can find the whole text of the Turkish Condominium Law at the attachment)
UniqueGroup and Gerard were elected by the majority og the meeting attendants
3. Elect and Appoint a Complex Controller Board
Elect and Appoint a Complex Controller Board for 2021-2022 Term
Note: For the Controller Board membership, the existing Controller Board B1&B6 Fritz Jensen, D3 Peter Marshall and D4 Ina Mikkelsen have nominated. The principles regarding the election and appointing of the Controller Board are specified in Article 41 of the Turkish Condominium Law. ( You can find the whole text of the Turkish Condominium Law at the attachment)
Ina, Peter and Fritz were elected by the meeting attendants
4. Approve the Estimated Budget Proposal for 2021-2022
Approve the Estimated Budget Proposal for 2021-2022 Term
Note: In the attached file of Annex-2, you can find the estimated budget proposal prepared for the 2021-2022 term. The estimated budget has been prepared on the basis of the excessive increase in electricity and water costs and the minimum wage increases to be determined in January.
The revised budget of 900 TL/month was accepted by the majority og the meeting attendants.
See the revised budget here>>
5. Decide about the Proposal of Purchasing a New Generator
Consider and Decide about the Proposal of Purchasing a New Generator which have the capacity to Provide Electricity to All the Apartments on General Electric Cutouts
As an option-A, you may see the price quotation received from Aksa Generator Company at the attached Ek-3 (Annex-3) file.
The price quote from Aksa Generator Company is 110.000 TL + KDV for only generator unit (without cables)
In addition to that, underground cable of 3×50+25 cross-section for 170 meters and a signal cable of 10×2.5 are required, and the overall price for these cables are around 54.400 TL according to the current exchange rate. In addition, a labor cost of approximately 10.000 TL will be costed for laying, making cable connections and installation of these underground cables.
According to that; The total cost of the project in option A (Aksa) is 194.200 TL, and which will be resulted for a one-time extra fee of 6.070 TL per apartment.
- See price quotation here>>
As an option-B, you may see the price quotation received from Alfa Teknik (Genpower) Generator Company at the attached Ek-4 (Annex-4) file.
The price quote from Alfa Teknik Generator Company is 12.954 Dolar (approximately 119.000 TL) for only generator unit (without cables)
As the same; in addition to that, underground cable of 3×50+25 cross-section for 170 meters and a signal cable of 10×2.5 are required, and the overall price for these cables are around 54.400 TL according to the current exchange rate. In addition, a labor cost of approximately 10.000 TL will be costed for laying, making cable connections and installation of these underground cables.
According to that; The total cost of the project in option-B (Alfa Teknik) is 183.400 TL, and which will be resulted for a one-time extra fee of 5.730 TL per apartment.
Note: As all these price offers are based on the current exchange rate, the prices may increase due to the exchange rate until the project will be done and paid. In addition, if the decision to install a generator is taken, it is recommended to build a roof over the generator and surround it with sound insulation. This will bring an additional cost of approximately 30.000 TL.
- See price quotation here>>
The majority og the meeting attendants were positive, but decided to postpone the decision until AGM 2022 in May next year, so everybody had time to consider the investment.
6. Decide about the Proposal of Purchasing a New Extractor Pump
Consider and Decide about the Proposal of Purchasing a New Extractor Pump unit to extract the rain water from the garden which is accumulated during the heavy rains in the winter season
Note: It is planned to install a 2 HP pump, and the prices vary according to the brand and material quality. On average, a budget of 4.000 TL has been allocated for this work.
The proposal was accepted by the majority og the meeting attendants