AGM 2016 First Meeting

Side, 11. May 2016

This mail was send to all homeowners after the first AGM 2016 meeting:

Dear Arcadia houseowners,

As we informed before, the owners and proxies have met for  Arcadia Annual General Meeting in 2016 in Conny’s Restaurant on 10th of May 2016 at 14.00pm.

As you see in the attachment in ATTENDANT LIST , there were 7 ( seven ) owners and 2 ( two ) proxies total 9 ( nine ) attendants. According to Turkish Condominium Law number 634, it has to be 51% which is 17 owners. Therefore the second meeting will be held in the same place at 14.00pm on 17th May 2016.

In this second meeting the attendants will be enough to make the meeting.

Please see below Turkish Condominium law article 29 and article 30.

Best Regards


Attendant List can be seen here>> (login as homeowner is needed)


ARTICLE 29. – The meeting of condominium owners shall be held at the time indicated in the management plan and at least one a year. If no time is indicated, it shall be held during the first month of each calendar year. ( Inserted sentence: 14/11/2007-5711/ art 14) As per the multiple buildings, the boards shall meet at the times specified in the management plans but at least once in two years, or in the first month of second calendar year if such time has not been specified in management plan.

When there is an important motive, the meeting of condominium owners may be called at any time, by the manager or the controller or one third of the condominium owners, by a notice sent by registered mail or signed by all condominium owners, at least fifteen days prior to the date specified for the meeting, by indicating the reasons thereof.

The first notice shall also indicate the place and date of the second meeting if there is no quorum at the first meeting. (Inserted sentence: 14/11/2007-5711/ art 14) The time between first and second meetings cannot be less than seven days.

II – Quorum

ARTICLE 30. – The meeting shall be held when more than one half of the number of condominium owners and more than one half of the plot shares are present and shall render its resolution by majority.

(Amended second parag. : 14/11/2007-5711/ art 15) In case that the first meeting cannot be made because the quorum cannot be met then the second meeting is made in fifteen days at the latest. The quorum in this meeting is the absolute majority of participants.

The provisions specified in this law regarding quorum are reserved.

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