Side, 12. December 2016.
The Control Board has together with our new Property Manager been working hard on updating the accounts after the Control Board found out that many transactions have not been registered correctly.
If you have receipts from the former property manager, Mete Tanis, which are not registered until this moment, we accept these receipts for registration until 31-12-2016. Later we will not accept these receipts anymore.
We really encourage all homeowners to pay their fee directly into Arcadia’s account in AKBANK (IBAN NUMBER: TR60 0004 6009 2688 8000 0612 06). During this summer Arcadia has lost a lot of money from homeowners because the money never came to Arcadia’s account. Legal actions are now taken as a consequence.
Each homeowner is encouraged to check own payments during last year and this year to make sure that transactions and balance is correct. If you have some disagreements or comments, please contact the Arcadia Management.
As homeowner you have access to homeowner payments here>> (login needed)
Yours Sincerely / Arcadia Management
Property Manager:
Control Board: