SGK Fine Petitioned

Side, 11. December 2016.

As reported to you 25. November 2016, Arcadia received a fine of 38.400 TL from SGK because of inconsistency between our staff employment situation and the reports to SGK.

On behalf of the Arcadia homeowners the Control Board seek advices from our lawyer, Mr. Karakoc. His advice was to appeal the fine to get it reduced to a more normal level compared to the size of the misdemeanor.

You can see a copy of the petition letter here>> (login needed)

Mr. Karakoc send us a mail where he wrote:

We have appealed to the fine that SGK has given us. The number on the top left corner is the registration number. The procedure from now on will be that the commission of appeals will make an investigation about the matter and will inform us about their decision:

  • If they approve the fine, we will have to make a decision filing a case about this.
  • They may change the amount of the fine or,
  • They may revoke it completely (not likely) 


Now we will wait for their answer and take it from there.

Kindly Regards / Arcadia Management

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